Are you feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of marketing your business? Do you find yourself stuck in a cycle of uncertainty, self-doubt and are lacking clear direction to move forward?

Just like a real therapy session, I create a safe, inclusive, judgment-free space for you to openly express your concerns, challenges, and aspirations for your business.


There are so many people that take advantage of your feelings and will persuade you to drop thousands of dollars on programs that don’t work.

Maybe you’ve tried taking a course or signed up for an expensive group coaching container but were left feeling ashamed, discouraged, or just plain old burnt out from trying to implement their tactics and “strategies.”

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the marketing advice out there. 

The truth is that there is NO one-size-fits-all strategy that works for every business.


I'm going to be real with you...

Growth takes time.

I could promise you that I’ll have you earning 10k per month and that your ideal clients will be blowing up your DM’s if you just book with me right now, but that would be unethical as f*ck (pardon my French!).

The truth is that success doesn’t happen overnight, and it takes a sustainable strategy to build a profitable business.

Would you like some help building a sustainable strategy that works for you?

Hey, I'm Emily!

I am a Canadian creative marketer and strategist, published author, wife, and mom!

I’m here to help women owned businesses grow their online presence, wealth and impact in the world.


What happens during a business therapy session?

Technical advice (think social media posting tools or email marketing platforms!)
Problem solving a specific issue
Design or branding advice
Emotional support
Strategy planning
Action plan development

So who am I?!


I’m a creative marketer who has over 12 years of experience working and freelancing in marketing, graphic design, content creation, and coaching.

I’m multi-passionate (a.k.a., I have started more businesses than I can count). The thing that has always remained constant for me is my love for the creative side of marketing!

I believe that financial wealth will provide women with the power they need to change the world for the better (smash the patriarchy!).

I’m a designer, strategist and business coach for women.

I believe in ethical marketing, which to me means authenticity, honesty, positivity, and inclusion.

I’m a published author (traditional and self-published) and have a passion for writing about body image and taming shame!

I’m a married mom to 2 little ones and a golden retriever. #momlife

If you are feeling stuck in business and you’re craving some support, a business therapy session is SO WORTH it.

I believe that surrounding ourselves with other entrepreneurial women is POWERFUL.

I want you to know that just because you need help, doesn’t mean that you are a BAD business owner. Quite the opposite actually.

The more we surround ourselves with others who have been in our shoes or have different skillsets than our own, the better off we will be.

Ever heard the saying, more heads are better than one?!

What are my areas of expertise?

Creative Marketing
Content Creation
Social Media
Messaging and Copywriting
Sustainable Strategy
Mindset (specializing in the experience of women and mothers)
Action Planning


 $299 CAD per session

I was feeling so lost these last few weeks in what direction I wanted to take my business come the New Year...I didn't have much faith in myself that I could even create something new. I knew I didn't need to join a 6 month coaching program, I just needed some guidance and help in the now from someone who truly just understood where I was at in my business. Thank you for showing compassion, interest and really listening to what I had to say.

- Kimberli

What businesses do I have experience working with?


So many! Photographers, mental health professionals (like, actual therapists!), authors, coaches, holistic and spiritual wellness providers, artists, restaurant owners, product business owners, and more!

Is business therapy right for you? 

You are ready to stop throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks

You are excited to create an action plan that doesn’t burn you out

You are prepared to start LOVING your business again (I’m the kind of business therapist that will help you navigate whether it’s healthy to stay or break up).

Ready to stand out, make money and create change?!


